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High Temperature Environment - Sensing Application

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Where operations involve drying or curing, high temperatures can be generated which may be outside the normal operating envelope of standard industrial sensors or may simply compromise particular sensing techniques.

This can be either because the technique is not stable at temperature extremes or because the device's electronics cannot be compensated for the particular application or have not been reliably tested and performance verified under the specific conditions.

Non-contact capacitive sensing can be very suitable for high temperature sensing of non-metallic targets especially if electronics can be suitably compensated or located remote from the hot spot.

Separating sensing elements into "remote sensing heads" and separate electronics allows electronics to be protected from temperature extremes while the sensing element(s) alone remain in the hot spot. The sensing element that consists only of electrodes made out of metal and insulating ceramics can operate at great extremes of temperature for example in industrial drying.

Typically these sensors are custom made by Sensatech.

See Also: Solder Wave Height Sensor

Remote sensing heads operate in high temperature area.
Remote Sensing Heads can operate in High Temp environment
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Pages in the Applications section:
3d shapes - detection and or measurement of
Collision avoidance - Proximity measurement
Electro-cardiography - Non contact
Environment - Hazardous
Environment - High temperature
Human anatomy - Foot gauge
Human anatomy - Light switch
Invasive, non-contact 3d mapping
Landmine detection
Liquid level detection
Micro machines
Moisture measurement
Powder or granule level detection
Proximity detection - Non contact
Proximity measurement - Analogue
Reversing Sensor
Robotic control and protection
Small targets at high speeds
Solder Wave height
Weighing cell

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